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Dead to Sin, Alive to God

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Dead to Sin, Alive to God

Over the years I have watched and listened to those who complain they cannot stop their sinning lifestyle. Always, they have good reasons for justifying their behavior. Everything from childhood abuse, emotional needs, peer pressure, genetic pre-disposition, etc., and even some say God is okay with their lifestyle of ongoing sin.

But, of course, nowhere in Scripture do we find that God looks the other way. He does not change who He is to indulge our sinful living. It is amazing to me that any rational person who spends time in God’s Word would allow themselves to believe that somehow God is going to ignore His Word and bless those who continue to live in chronic, unrepentant, and willful, sin.

Those who believe their sinful living is a non-issue live in a world of their own creation. They define good and evil, and they alone choose their behavior - God has no say. A person who goes their own way has the same spirit as the adulterous woman of Proverbs 30:20 who eats, wipes her mouth and then says “I have done nothing wrong.” If we live in a world where God overlooks sin, then the Serpent has not only beguiled Eve, but God Himself.

It is frightening to the core that sin can so easily charm, and then quiet, the conscience.

The Scriptures give crystal clear understanding to the born-again Christian regarding their relationship with sin. Every person who belongs to Christ has been called to live a transformed life. We are called out of our old life of sick wickedness and into the New Life of Jesus Christ. According to Romans Chpt 6, no longer can the old sinfulness rule over the follower of Christ; we are not under Law but under Grace. I will begin with Part 1, and then in Parts 2 and 3 show how to build on these two truths.


According to Romans 6:11 we build our life of victory over sin on two foundational truths:

  • We are dead to sin.
  • We are alive to God.

Romans 6:11 uses the word “reckon” which means to “count it so”. Our relationship with God begins with a decision to believe what He says. The Apostle Thomas said he would not believe that Jesus rose from the dead unless he personally saw the wounds in his hand and feet, but Jesus said blessed are those who do not see yet believe. This is an important truth for God will not enter into any kind of relationship that is not dependent upon what He says. If we have to see before we believe, if we are not willing to believe what God says in His Word, then there is no relationship with Him.

Our only place of relationship with God is believing what He says!
This is where He meets with us and gives New Life!

Notice that we are told to “reckon” our death to sin and our being alive to God to be true. We are not given physical proof that we are dead to sin and alive to God. We are expected to believe that it is just as God says!

Believing God is the bridge to our new life of faith. Believing God is always uncomfortable. We enter into an invisible world where we see only with eyes of faith. We stop negotiating, we stop doubting, we stop questioning and we burn our bridges. Without a life-jacked, we jump into the river of His Word and allow it to take us wherever it goes. If we die, we die, but we choose to believe God, we choose to be finished with a life that will not believe what God says.

Reckoning something as true brings victory where previously we could find no victory. Our enemy, from the beginning, continues his strategy of causing God’s people to constantly question His Word - “does God really mean what He says, will He do what He says, can I really trust Him?”. A decision to believe what God says is a powerful weapon that fatally wounds every enemy of faith. By faith we fight and overcome fear, doubt, and unbelief. Deciding to believe God by making a decision to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God opens the door to our victory over sin!

Jesus really did die, and he really did rise from the dead. This World is filled with dark voices that, if possible, would destroy these two truths, but they cannot win. Jesus has already died, and He has risen from the dead. His victory over sin is final and complete. His Spirit has been given to His people; His redemptive work is finished. He now sits at the right hand of God waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool; they have no hope! When we make a decision to believe God, then by the grace of God we are seated with Christ in His heavenly position! This is what God says!

Our new life of victory over sin is built precisely upon the “reckoning” of two truths: 1) we are dead to sin, and 2) we are alive to God. 

 Go To Part 2

God bless you,

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