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Dead to Sin, Alive to God, Part 2

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Dead to Sin, Alive to God. Part 2

In Part 1 we emphasized the importance of faith in our victory over sin i.e., we make a decision to believe what God says, i.e., that we are dead to sin and alive to God. The first truth we must build upon is our death to sin.

After we have made a decision to believe that we are indeed given a new Spirit, a new heart, and a new life, in the resurrected Christ we can begin to act like a new person, one who is dead to sin and alive to God. First, we believe what God says then we possess what God says. It is the bringing into our lives by acting on what He says that shows our belief to be real. Without new behavior that flows from our new belief then there is no real change.

A Step-by-Step Strategy for our New Life of Victory over Sin .
1. Do not let sin reign in your mortal body.
2. Sin will not have dominion over you.
3. Do not yield your body to sin.
4. Yield your body to righteousness.
5. You are a servant to whom you obey.

Do Not Let Sin Reign in Your Physical Body
We no longer bow to sin. We are given a great victory over sin, and sinful living, and now we are to possess the victories Christ has purchased for us. This is an important point. You have been given a great victory, and are a New Creation. As a New Creation, are you willing to defeat every enemy who would take your new identity from you? Jesus said He has won the victory for us but if we will not possess what He has given, we cannot win. This fight is with our physical body and what it wants, which involves our mind and heart. Don't say you can't rule over your body. That is not true because we live and fight under grace, meaning God will be with you and strengthen you as you face your own body and its desires.

Sin Will Not Rule Over You!
This is one of the greatest truths in all of scripture. This one verse clearly states that there is no sin you will face, or can face, that has the power to overcome you. And the reason is that God Himself will give us the strength necessary to win the battle against any sin we will ever face! We are not under Law, but under Grace!

Do Not Yield Your Body to Sin
The scripture tells us to not yield our physical body to sin. Truth is, we yield ourselves to whom we love the most. This is the heart of the battle. Are we going to love God more than we love sin? It may take some time to resolve this question. But, if we will settle this question, if in our mind we decide that we belong to God and not to sin then we will find the strength to yield our body and it's individual parts to God.

Yield Your Body and It's Parts to Righteousness
This is a decision we make daily, hourly, or even minute by minute. I have been a Christian for approximately 50 years and I still have to make a decision, every day, that my life, and my body, belong to Jesus. I understand that every born-again Christian is predestined to be conformed to Christ. If we are going to change then yield to God is a way of life.

We Are a Servant to Whom We Obey
This is where the rubber meets the road. Our behavior shows whom we serve. We can say we believe but a belief that will not yield one's body to righteousness is not the kind of belief that will reach heaven. A belief that does not yield to righteousness is an outward, superficial belief. Superficial faith is no faith at all and a heart that continues to yield to the desires of the body is an unrenewed heart. This person must repent and be converted.

God bless you,

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