Thy Word Hath Quickened Me
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Thy Word Hath Quickened Me
Psa 119:49 Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.
Psa 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me.
David related to God through His Word. To David, the Scriptures were more than a religious document, more than words on a page, but the very Word of God by which God gave His people New Life.
David understood that God communicates to Man in many way. But David also found that the Scriptures gave power to all who would believe because God gives Himself through His Word. To experience God and His New Life, He asks only that we believe what He says. Not only did the Word of God give David understanding, but this understanding had the very life of God in it, it was an understanding that had the Spirit of God in it. It was God that caused David to put his hope in the Word of God because when we put our hope in the Word of God we are putting our hope in God Himself. God causes us to trust in Him by causing us to trust in what He says, His Word. David found that when he put his hope in the written Word something good happened to him. He said "your Word has quickened me.”
David did something we all should all do, he lived by the Word of God. It is so easy to look to anything and everything except the Word of God. The World promises strength but is unable to deliver. Do you want to know the Lord then learn from David. God’s Word alone enabled David to walk with God. God, by His Word, was a comfort to David. David said “your Word is my comfort in all my afflictions.” This statement by David gives insight into how God empowers us in our afflictions – it is the Light of His Word that shines in our heart and opens our understanding. When we see with God's eyes then we are enabled to live above the lies that daily surround us. Dark clouds are everywhere but the Word of God is Light and if we live in the Light then the Darkness disappears. Darkness exists only in the absence of Light.
To live a good life we have to become larger than our afflictions. When trouble comes it is easy to look to people or things for comfort or reassurance. But people or things do not make us larger than our problems. But God is larger than our problems and when we believe His Word then we take on the largeness of God. The largeness of His Word dwells in us and we become larger than our problems. The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity. Any person who lives by the Word of God learns the Word makes them larger than their enemies.
How many are eaten alive by stress. If we have no good way of finding comfort then afflictions will drive us to anger, bitterness, anxiety, depression, worry, fear, discouragement, hopelessness, apathy, etc.. If we have no real way of encouragement then we become easy prey for any lie. But the Word of God is True, and no lie can defeat the Truth. Lies, like quicksand, drown us in hopelessness while faith leads us, day by day, to spiritual and emotional health.
People look for relief in all the wrong places. We hear the terms emotional eating, shopping, spending, all having to do with ones efforts to find relief from stress. Then there’s TV, sleeping, work, drinking, and other behaviors not appropriate to mention. But none are a permanent fix, and all eventually leave one in worse state.
So this is the dilemma. We live in a World that is filled with stress and we lack the ability to fix ourselves. This World has no answers. There really is no place of peace in this World; no therapy, no medication, no personal success that will bring us to a place of comfort. We can’t own enough, and we can’t accomplish enough to deliver us from the stressful conditions we will face.
This is why we need to listen and learn from David. He said “in my affliction, your Word is my comfort.” But you might ask, how can the Word of God bring comfort in our afflictions? The answer is that God's Spirit lives in His Word, and His Word is alive with the very life of God. Jesus in John 6 said His Words were Spirit and they were Life. What Jesus was saying is this – if you want to experience me, then you must understand that only through what I say can you experience my Life. You cannot experience me by your own efforts, or your own wisdom. They are not true. What I say is true and brings life. What I say will not fail. If you trust in your own ways you will fail. But if you believe what I say then my life will be in you and you will be receive strength and comfort.
Jesus, when tempted of the Devil, responded to him by quoting the Word of God. He said, “it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word of God.” Jesus spoke truth, that man can live only by the Word of God, and in speaking this truth, Jesus overcame the deceptions of Satan. We need to learn this important truth.
Living by the Word of God means we can confront the many messages that accompany our afflictions. With every affliction there is a message, a sermon from hell, that attempts to destroy our faith. It is the Word of God that brings light and truth which comforts us in our afflictions. We may have to live through the affliction but we do not have to be destroyed in the process. We do not have to become bitter, angry, dependent, despondent, fragile, dysfunctional, or emotionally crippled. We do not have to run, we do not have to quit, we do not have to look to people, drugs, alcohol, food, shopping, sex, TV, or anything else for a temporary fix.
To live by the Word of God means to tell yourself the Truth. God says He will be with you, He says He is your Provider, He says He will direct your steps, He says everything is working for good to all who love God and are called according to His purpose. He says He has predestined you to be conformed to Christ and that your life is under His protection. And, He says your times, the length of your life, is in His hand. You do not have to be afraid of death. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ you will not die before your time and nothing in this world can kill you. This is our confidence and this is why we have comfort in our afflictions.
God is bigger than any problem you will ever face and His victorious power to you is contained within His Word. If you want to experience the comforts of God, then put to death the lies that daily assault you. Stop allowing yourself to be owned by every negative possibility, and begin to see every possibility of the Word of God. Read the promises, speak them, pray them, rehearse them, sing them and then use every promise to rebuild your life. Heaven and Earth will pass away but the Word of God will never pass away. You can stand upon the Word.
Giants are never easy to kill. We have trouble even challenging them. But God has enabled His people not only to recognize and challenge giants but to kill them. If we are going to be comforted by the Word of God then we will have to kill some giants. Opposition is going to come but the Word of God enables us to take the head of our Goliath.
God comes to you in Truth, and as we live by every Word that proceeds from His mouth, then we will have victory over every lie that attempts to destroy our faith, our mind, our behavior, and our very life. David said your Word has quickened me, it has given me life. That is a good word because every single person needs the life of God, and David shows the way, "Your Word has quickened me".
God bless you,
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